- Cygwin installation install#
- Cygwin installation 64 Bit#
- Cygwin installation portable#
- Cygwin installation download#
- Cygwin installation windows#
Cygwin installation 64 Bit#
:: one of: auto,64,32 - specifies if 32 or 64 bit version should be installed or automatically detected based on current OS architecture set NODEJS_ARCH = auto :: if set to 'yes' Ansible () will be installed automatically set INSTALL_ANSIBLE = yes set ANSIBLE_GIT_BRANCH = stable - 2.10 :: one of: auto,64,32 - specifies if 32 or 64 bit version should be installed or automatically detected based on current OS architecture set CYGWIN_ARCH = auto :: choose a user name under Cygwin set CYGWIN_USERNAME = root :: select the packages to be installed automatically via apt-cyg set CYGWIN_PACKAGES = bash -completion, bc, bzip, coreutils, curl, dos2unix, expect, git, git -svn, gnupg, inetutils, jq, lz4, mc, nc, openssh, openssl, perl, psmisc, python37, pv, rsync, ssh -pageant, screen, subversion, unzip, vim, wget, zip, zstd :: if set to 'yes' the local package cache created by cygwin setup will be deleted after installation/update set DELETE_CYGWIN_PACKAGE_CACHE = no :: if set to 'yes' the apt-cyg command line package manager () will be installed automatically set INSTALL_APT_CYG = yes :: if set to 'yes' the bash-funk adaptive Bash prompt () will be installed automatically set INSTALL_BASH_FUNK = yes :: if set to 'yes' Node.js () will be installed automatically set INSTALL_NODEJS = yes :: Use of the folder names found here as version name. :: set proxy if required (unfortunately Cygwin setup.exe does not have commandline options to specify proxy user credentials) set PROXY_HOST = set PROXY_PORT = 8080 :: change the URL to the closest mirror set CYGWIN_MIRROR = /download/cygwin Or by placing a separate file called cygwin-portable-installer-config.cmd next to it where some or all of these settings are overwritten. You can customize the installer by either directly modifying the default settings in the cygwin-portable-installer.cmd file,
Cygwin installation portable#
Now you can launch your portable Cygwin environment using the newly created cygwin-portable.cmd batch file. Cygwin installation install#
install the bash-funk Bash toolbox with it’s adaptive Bash prompt. install the apt-cyg command-line package manager. create an init scripts that will keep the installation portable. install Cygwin with the pre-selected set of packages. Cygwin installation download#
download the 32-bit or 64-bit Cygwin setup.exe depending on your OS. Execute the cygwin-portable-installer.cmd. For BitDefender Antivirus the Advanced Thread Defense protection feature needs to be disabled and not the Antivirus > Settings > BitDefender Shield. See /faq: What applications have been found to interfere with Cygwin? (Optional) Temporarily disable your Antivirus scanner in case it is known to interfere with Cygwin, otherwise you may end-up with a broken/incomplete installation. set an HTTP Proxy, change the set of pre-installed Cygwin packages, select the terminal (ConEmu or Mintty), etc. (Optional) Open the file cygwin-portable-installer.cmd in a text editor and adjust the configuration variables to e.g. Git clone -portable-installer -single-branch -branch master -depth 1 C:\apps\cygwin -portable Clone the project into a local directory, e.g. Download the cygwin-portable-installer.cmd file into that directory. Create a local empty directory where Cygwin shall be installed, e.g. Get a copy of the installer using one of these ways:. testssl.sh: command line tool to check SSL/TLS configurations of servers. additional optional tools (opt-in via config parameter):. winpty will be automatically installed (opt-out via config parameter is possible). adaptive Bash prompt: bash-funk will be automatically installed (opt-out via config parameter is possible). command-line package installer: apt-cyg package manager will be automatically installed (opt-out via config parameter is possible). Alternatively you can choose to use the single tabbed Mintty terminal. 256-color multi-tabbed shell: ConEmu is pre-configured as terminal by default. install it on an USB sticks and use the same configuration on different computers The installer has been implemented as a Batch script and not PowerShell script because in some corporate environments execution of PowerShell scripts isĭisabled for non-administrative users via group policies. Cygwin installation windows#
Cygwin-portable-installer is a self-containing Windows batch file to perform an unattended installation of a portable Cygwin environment.